• Branch-first evaluator in OCaml

    Try this at try.ocamlpro.com

    (* TC       |  OCaml
     * ---------+-------------
     * △        |  Leaf
     * △ a      |  Stem a
     * △ a b    |  Fork (a, b)
    type t =
      | Leaf
      | Stem of t
      | Fork of t * t
    let rec apply a b =
      match a with
      | Leaf -> Stem b
      | Stem a -> Fork (a, b)
      | Fork (Leaf, a) -> a
      | Fork (Stem a1, a2) -> apply (apply a1 b) (apply a2 b)
      | Fork (Fork (a1, a2), a3) ->
        match b with
        | Leaf -> a1
        | Stem u -> apply a2 u
        | Fork (u, v) -> apply (apply a3 u) v
    (* Example: Negating booleans *)
    let _false = Leaf
    let _true = Stem Leaf
    let _not = Fork (Fork (_true, Fork (Leaf, _false)), Leaf)
    apply _not _false (* Stem Leaf = _true  *)
    apply _not _true  (* Leaf      = _false *)
  • Branch-first evaluator in tree calculus

    Try this right here

    eager = \f \x triage (f t) (\u f (t u)) (\u \v f (t u v)) x
    apply = fix $ \self
        (\u t u)
        (\u \v t u v)
          (\u2 \v u2)
          (\u1 \u2 \v eager (self (self u1 v)) (self u2 v))
          (\u0 \u1 \u2 \v
              (\v self u1 v)
              (\v1 \v2 self (self u2 v1) v2)
    # Example: Negating booleans
    _false = t
    _true = t t
    _not = t (t _true (t t _false)) t
    apply _not _false # t t = _true
    apply _not _true  # t   = _false
    # Direct evaluation for reference
    _not _false
    _not _true
  • More efficient branch-first evaluator in JavaScript

    Try this at runjs.app

    // TC       |  JS
    // ---------+-----------
    // △        |  []
    // △ a      |  [a]
    // △ a b    |  [b, a]
    // △ a b c  |  [c, b, a]
    const apply = (a, b) => {
      const expression = [b, ...a]
      const todo = [expression];
      while (todo.length) {
        const f = todo.pop();
        if (f.length < 3) continue;
        const a = f.pop(), b = f.pop(), c = f.pop();
        if (a.length === 0) f.push(...b);
        else if (a.length === 1) {
          const newPotRedex = [c, ...b];
          f.push(newPotRedex, c, ...a[0]);
        else if (a.length === 2)
          if (c.length === 0) f.push(...a[1]);
          else if (c.length === 1) f.push(c[0], ...a[0]);
          else if (c.length === 2) f.push(c[0], c[1], ...b);
      return expression;
    // Example: Negating booleans
    const _false = [];
    const _true = [[]];
    const _not = [[],[[_false,[]],_true]];
    apply(_not, _false); // [[]] = _true
    apply(_not, _true);  // []   = _false
  • A root-first evaluator in Haskell by James Eversole

    James in fact created a purely functional interpreted language, tricu (pronounced “tree-shoe”), that uses tree calculus.